Comprehensions in Elixir have the following syntax:
for <generator(s) or filter(s), separated by commas> [, into: <value>], do: <expression>
For example:
iex> for x <- [1, 2, 3], do: x * x
Generators such as
are named local variables you can use in theexpression
argument.Note that variable assignments such as
in comprehensions are local in scope, so it doesn’t affect variables with the same name in the outer scope.
We can have multiple generators x
and y
iex> for x <- [1, 2, 3], y <- [4,5,6], do: x * y
[4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 15, 18]
We can use filters alongside generators. When the condition in the filter evaluates to false, that particular iteration is skipped.
iex> for x <- [1, 2, 3], y < 5, y <- [4,5,6], do: x * y
[4, 8, 12]
Unlike guard clauses, you can call your own module’s methods within filter.
The into
parameter takes in a collection for storing the comprehension’s results:
iex> for item <- [:bananas, :milk],
quantity <- [5, 2],
do: {item, quantity}
{bananas: 2, milk: 2}
We can also use pattern matching in comprehensions:
iex> prices = [ bananas: 1.80, milk: 4.00 ] # keyword list
iex> cart = [
[id: 1, name: :bananas],
[id: 2, name: :milk],
[id: 3, name: :bananas],
[id: 4, name: :yoghurt]
] # list of keyword lists
iex(20)> for item <- cart,
{_, item_name} <- item, # generator
(item_name in Keyword.keys prices), # filter
{name, price} <- prices, # generator
item_name == name, # filter
do: price
[1.8, 4.0, 1.8]